Yes, it's that time again -- time for my Thrill of the Hunt thrifty finds reveal! You just never know what great thrift store scores I'll have to share. This week is another eclectic mix for sure!
I am always on the lookout for topiaries. I love them for how they add a natural element to any room, and for how versatile they can be as a decor accent in your home in general. When I brought this ivy topiary home from Goodwill I fully expected that I would be transforming it in some way, perhaps into a DIY boxwood topiary. But the more that I look at it I'm thinking I might just leave it as is. It's very much in line with the old me, decor-wise. But heck, I've learned that so many things come back into style eventually that maybe this is one of those things! Believe it or not I just read that ivy is a popular, or trending, plant right now. Who knew? What would you do -- leave it as is or change it up a bit?
Can you guess what type of book this is? It's from Goodwill. Cost: $1.99.
If you guessed a Readers Digest condensed book you'd be correct. It's part of their series entitled Best Loved Books For Young Readers. I thought the reading choices were on point for my soon-to-be high schooler son who loves to read. Plus, I love their covers and have collected a number of them over the years. Its near pristine condition certainly belies its 1967 copyright.
This wooden Count Your Blessings sign wouldn't be the first Goodwill purchase of its kind that I turned into something else. Not that I don't like the sentiment. I've just been looking for some wood to use for a particular sign I'd like to make and this fits the bill.
I particularly like the already distressed look around the edges. I'll be keeping them intact for sure, regardless of whatever else I do to it. From Goodwill. Cost: $2.99. (A bit steep for me but I knew exactly what I could use it for.)
Next up is another collector state plate: Nebraska, The Cornhusker State. I was intrigued by this plate due to the pretty gold embellishment around the rim.
Did you know that Nebraska was the home of Buffalo Bill? I didn't!
The back of the plate bears the makers mark "Crest-o-Gold Sabin Warranted 22K." The previous owner was kind enough to write "Trip 1962" on the back, so I know that the plate is at least 54 years old.
Last but not least here's another collector plate: Montreal Canada's "expo 67." According to Wikipedia:
The 1967 International and Universal Exposition or Expo 67, as it was commonly known, was a general exhibition, Category One World's Fair held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from April 27 to October 29, 1967. It is considered to be the most successful World's Fair of the 20th century with the most attendees to that date and 62 nations participating.
I'm not sure why "90" is written in Sharpie on the back. If it stands for 1990 that wouldn't really make sense since the Expo itself was held in 1967. It's a bit annoying that anything at all is written on it because the marker obscures what appears to be the official logo of the expo.
Well, that's it for now. I still have quite a few finds to share in upcoming posts and I'm happy about that. But you'll have to meet me at Thrill of the Hunt #48 to see what I mean.
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Thrill of the Hunt #47.
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I like your topiary, it's very realistic looking. I wasn't aware that ivy is trending right now (was it unpopular before? I guess I wasn't paying attention). I like to collect old books too. In fact, I think I have a copy of 'Treasure Island' somewhere; I loved reading it when I was a kid. Thanks for visiting me and leaving your nice comment!
I've seen many, many plates in one of the thrift stores in our town. Interesting stuff! Enjoyed your blog today.
You might be able to remove the "90" and other marks using alcohol, since that is the base of regular Sharpie markers. Be easy on it until you are sure that the logo won't come off, too.
Great finds, Kathleen. I love the topiary just as it is! I was just going to suggest rubbing alcohol for the sharpie and see someone else already did ;) A local thrift store here has the annoying habit of pricing with one!
I would enjoy your topiary as is for now, maybe later change it if the impulse hits you. Love all your wonderful finds, looks like your thrift store has some great buys and selection. Are there better days than others?
Usually we go to Goodwill on Wed. for sr. discount, then Habitat as they have sr. discount/veteran discount every day now except they lowered discount from 15% to 10%. But a discount is always appreciated. Our Habitat tends to be pretty expensive especially on furniture. I did get a great couch at Habitat 3 yrs.ago.The minute I walked in I saw it and went to look it over really well. Was $125.00, very clean in good shape, sleeper sofa. Had a 25% off coupon so bought it before somebody else grabbed it.Few years before bought a good clean sturdy club chair for $75, is still in very good shape along with couch.
Was looking around our living room noticing all the items from thrift stores and that we've made, many more items than we bought retail. Gotta love that.
Have wonderful weekend
Awesome finds! I'd leave the topiary as is. Before you told me what the book was, I was guessing Reader's Digest in my head. I don't know why.
I've found that Sharpie marks come right off with Goo Gone & a little rubbbing.
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