Okay, so it's been a few days....I've been thinking about blogging every day but my raging sinus infection had other things planned for me.  Like royal facial pain and a bad reaction to a really strong antibiotic that floored me for two days.  Tonight I start antibiotic number two.  Let's hope this one's a keeper.

In all my free time I did get to review a few jewelry making websites.  Tonight I looked at http://www.jewelrymakingallinfoabout.com/. As a charm bracelet afficianado I have to say that I really was not impressed.  There were many detailed jewelry making projects for necklaces, earrings and rings but NO CHARM BRACELETS!  And the type of jewelry it features is not my style of jewely at all.  If you find that you like what I like, then you're probably better off skipping that site.  Sorry to the people over there -- I'm sure that many others send props to them.  It's just that they're not right for my jewely making purposes.

Jack Johnson is playing on my http://www.pandora.com/ radio station right now.  I love him!  The "station" I created is called David Gray Radio.  You should really check it out and create your own station.

Lastly, become a Follower on Google Friends Connect!  Just click on the icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen.  Subscribe to this blog!  Just click on Subscribe at the bottom of the screen.  And comment, please comment so that I can figure out where this blog is going.

That's enough for tonight. Time for some medication and a dream.     

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Unknown said...

kathy, keep the good info coming... I enjoy your blog. hope you feel better!!! Carol