Flea Market Friday

August 13, 2010

I'm linking this up over at Kecia's Lemoncholy's Flight of Fancy today.  I don't have a lot of bloggy time (chickadees have not started school yet!) so I'm going to post a few photos of one great barn sale find I picked up this summer. 

I thought this book would be great for photo shoots ~ I've already used it a bunch and really like the effect.  When we got it home chickadee #2 said, "Mom, this book is really OLD, the PAGES ARE FALLING OUT!"  And I said, "I know, when a book is 106 years old that's bound to happen! :)"  I really had no idea how old it was was when I bought it, I just knew I liked it.  Even chickadee #3 wanted to read the whole thing with me ~ it's really rather beautiful and interesting, of course ~ it's the Bible!

Tomorrow is one of my favorite church barn sales ~ wish me luck!  And have a great weekend!

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Stephani Gorman said...

Hi Kathleen, I enjoyed your lovely blog and your book is wonderful! Great find!

Ellen aka Ellie said...

What a lovely book. What a blessing to have found it!