February 22, 2012

Antique Farmhouse Crush and Some Awesome Frenchy Presents!

I'd have to say that some birthdays are more memorable than others.  I think my recent birthday (29, of course) will have to be filed under: "Birthdays to remember cause I got me some cool gifts."

First off, have you heard of Antique Farm House?  They're a new online retailer that I have absolutely fallen in love with!  I was lucky enough to receive one of their many awesome shabby chic items for my birthday this year.  The kids gave me their Luxe Rough pillow.  I mean, don't you just love it?  I even love the name.  Luxe.  Rough.  It's so French (another one of my current obsessions, along with pillows -- what could be better?)

And yes, I pinned it.

It almost makes turning  48 39 29 not so bad!

The second incredible gift I received was a chaise longue from Mr. CBD. Yes, you read that right.  A. chaise. longue.  Say it with me now, "shezz---lohng!"  And I couldn't be happier.  I really don't think the pictures do it justice but I did my best to capture some of it's savvy style.

Goes pretty awesomely with the pillow, non?  Like a match made in heaven.

And the tufting, oh the tufting.

And the nailhead trim.

Here's the original pillow it came with.

With my faux mink throw, love this for cold snowy days by the fire.

Here's my Luxe Rough pillow up close and personal.

So to recap:

Antique Farm House announces new sales events a few times a week starting at 11:00 a.m. EST.  You should head over there right now and sign up to receive their e-mails.  Go ahead, I'll wait.

Okay, then.  Here are a few more items currently being offered by Antique Farm House this week.

No, I'm not being paid for this plug.  Really, I just love their stuff.

And I am beyond happy (you might say giddy) with my birthday presents.   I feel very blessed, indeed.

 Like I said, it sure takes the sting out of turning 48 39 29.  Think I'll just have to go lounge on my chaise longue with that awesome pillow today.   

Snow flurries and fairly warm temperatures here today (for the midwest, that is).

Hope you're having a great week.


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I'll be linking up here
(when the parties go live)
 this week:

The Charm of Home


  1. Happy Birthday! You really did good - nice gifts. You just had your 29th also, did you ? :-D
    Cloudy and 63, but feels colder to me.

  2. Happy Bday, Dear Heart! I thought you were 18! It might get in the 70's here in N. Va. My plants are SO confused!
    Blessings, Audrey

  3. What fabulous birthday gifts. It's great turning "29"!!
    I'm your newest follower and hope you'll stop by for a visit.
    Mary Alice

  4. I love these kinds of pillows. They are so pretty and add nice texture to a room.

  5. Happy Birthday, Kathleen! You're not getting older, girl --- you're gettin' better! :)

    I purchased that same pillow and absolutely love it too! I put it on a vintage church pew in my studio. Antique Farmhouse is lol!

    xoxo laurie

  6. Fabulous! I, too, love those guys! And the pillows! Now Following!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  7. So pretty Kathy , they know just what you like. Happy Birthday, put your feet up and enjoy! Love, Penny

  8. So glad I came over to see you today. Things have totally been crazy here this week, but wow, love this store, and I'll be shopping there for sure, I can tell. I recognize some of their projects since they buy from the same company that the store I used to work for bought from, Creative Crafts. Hope you had a fab birthday, and the chaise is incredible. Go kiss your hubby!!

  9. Birthday Wishes! Your gifts are wonderful. Love the chaise and the pillow. Just lovely!

  10. Hi Kathleen,
    Thanks for stopping by to visit today! I appreciated your kind words on my initial stenciling project.

    BTW, love that pillow from Antique Farm House. I'm on my way to visit them next.

  11. Well, someone had a Happy Birthday, Kathleen! : ) I love that pillow and the chaise lounge is drool provoking! I love them both. I had not heard of that store; now I have to go check them out.

  12. happy birthday,kathleen could u please tell us where the chaise came from? it is more than wonderful!!!! thanks

  13. Happy Birthday, Kathleen! Your gifts are lovely! Lucky girl! Your chaise is gorgeous! I could just curl up there with a good book and not move!

  14. Kathleen, It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and got two beautiful gifts. The chaise and pillow are both fabulous. Thank you for linking to the Open House party. xo, Sherry

  15. You are one lucky gal, Kathy!
    Happiest Belated Birthday to you!

    I would LOVE to have that beauty and how perfect with the throw and pillow.

    Come and share it with the linky party on the first, this month's theme is share your favorite vignette!

    This one would fit in perrrrrfectly.

  16. Wow Kathleen! I love your birthday presents, what good taste your family has. The lounge and pillow look like they were made to be together. Happy belated birthday to you...what a coincidence, I just turned 29 also:-)

  17. May you always have such lovely gifts and thoughtful family! I love it when someone gets me what I WANT, not something they think I NEED. My favorite number for birthdays used to be "plenty-nine." If you waved your hand in front of your mouth when you said it, people heard 29 or 39. NOW, I am "pretty-nine" and am sticking to that number (almost 66)! My partner's mother is "39" and he's the oldest of 8 at 66!


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