February 28, 2012

The Latest Trend: Glass Bottle Table Lamps

Things have been crazy around here recently so I haven't had time for much crafting so to speak, but I did manage to hit a local Goodwill this past weekend.  I saw the prize, and sent my daughter scrambling for a shopping cart.  I picked this baby up right away before another shopper nabbed it up got it.  It's part of a trend that we've all seen in magazines and on blogs these past months.  The glass bottle lamp.  Right after I got home I received the latest Ballard Designs catalog and lo and behold, what to my wandering eyes should appear right there on page 4?


Wow.  Mine's a bit different, but I think they're pretty similar. And guess how much mine cost?

Read it and weep, people.

 That's right. $2.99.
Well, OK, it didn't have a shade, but for that price whose complaining?

I paired it with a burlap drum shade recently purchased from Target.  I think it's a good match!

I like that mine has the "No. 5" on it.  Makes it just a bit funkier than your average glass bottle lamp.

I must admit that Google got the best of me and I searched for similar lamps.  I came up with a fabulous vintage bottle lamp I just have to share with you.


What do you think?  I love it.  But my empty wallet sure doesn't.

I think I'll enjoy the one I've got for the price I paid.


Do you have any glass bottle lamps?  

What do you think of my fabulous find?

Could you see this in your home?

I love it! 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great week!


I'll be linking up here:

Ivy and Elephants
House of Hepworths
The Shabby Creek Cottage
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  1. Wow! You did good! I like yours more - just like the shade of green.
    Great deal.

  2. Wow! I am so jealous yet proud of your thrifty find! :OD I also love the #5 on it! You go girl! Good lamps are hard to find here. I love the old Irmi nursery lamps and snatch them up when I find one, which is how many I have found, haha.

  3. What a great find and I love it!! And the price is right!
    Have fun,

  4. Wow! Can't believe you were able to make this lamp for that price! Fabulous!

  5. Now that is some awesome junk! It looks so fab, so now I am off to see if I can find one!

  6. Wow, Kathleen! You didn't have to put the #5, rewire or anything! You did good! The shade is so burlap it!

  7. Just popping in to see what you've been up to Kathleen and I see you found quite a fabulous steal ~ Love it!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comment ~ I think we'll all be happy once this Blogger transition is behind us!

  8. Actually this trend has been around many years, but it sure has come back around. It is a fun way to lite up your world. Richard from My old Historic House.

  9. I am sooooooo jealous! This is actually a Target lamp that was available a few years ago. I really wanted it but balked at the $35 price tag (lamp shade not included) then kicked myself when it sold out. You can't find it anywhere (I've even looked on ebay)! Super Lucky find for $3!!! Looks great on your table!
    Jen from

  10. of all the places I want to move my number one choice is close to a fabulous goodwill store LOL

    love your find

  11. Great find Kathy! I made one with a gallon wine jug I pinched from my daughter when she moved to NY. (it was empty). I've been drooling over one at the PB, but like your price tag much better than theirs. You have the best luck!

  12. It's good to be speedy. Why in the world would a lamp like this end up at Goodwill??? Yay for you that it did, though!

  13. You scored big time with that glass bottle lamp!! I would love a lamp like that in my house. Good for you!
    Mary Alice

  14. What a great find and I absolutely love the shade. The whole vignette is beautiful!

  15. You were meant to have it! Goodwill was really "good" to you!

    I also love your shezz lounge :) very nice love the tufting!

  16. Congrats on this great find. Love the lamp and the shade! xo, Sherry

  17. You are so lucky! I remember when those were originally at Target and I wanted one so bad but I was watching my spending so I refrained. They were way more expensive than $2.99! Great find!!

  18. Wanted to let you know I included this in my link party wrap up and features!

  19. Hi Kathleen, you really have a gorgeous lamp. Amazing the price of some of these. LOVE it and I'll be featuring this at VIF tomorrow. thanks for joining in for the party!

  20. I absolutely love this lamp, Kathleen. What a find, you lucky girl. If you ever want to part with it, I'll take it off your hands! xo, Kim

  21. I have that same lamp and did buy it at Target last year. I like your shade better than the one they had last year. May have to get a new one.

  22. Love your lamp; it can be used in any kind of room. I don't have a glass lamp, but I do have one made out of a Talleymore (sp?) Dew Irish whiskey jug; I bought a lamp kit and stuck the stopper into the bottle. Burlap shade. My ex was Irish and it was a nice bit of decor! I have found that I like white or off white shades as they give off more light for myself but always admire the darker shades that provide "ambiance." Your GW is definitely has better prices than ours here in Maine!


Thanks for stopping by ~ I truly treasure each and every comment!