February 7, 2012

My Pretty Pinterest

I'm in love with beautiful dress forms.  And thanks to Pinterest I get to share some of them with you via my Pinterest page.

I OH so want a vintage dress form.  I'm jealous of anyone who has one, especially the ones who found it by the side of the road/ in someone's attic/ for a steal at a garage sale... you get the picture.  No such luck for me.  But a girl can dream, can't she?  Guess that's where Pinterest comes in.

I'd love for you to join me over at Pinterest and become a follower of my Pinterest boards.  If you need an invite to Pinterest just let me know.

Also, don't forget to vote for me here for the blog redesign giveaway.  FYI: You don't have to think that I have an ugly blog in order to vote  for me.  All your comments and e-mails thus far have been very sweet!  Thank you!

Feel free to vote every day this week through Friday.  You guys are awesome!
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  1. These are really neat.
    I am following you on Pinterest now.
    I also put you on my "pinsters" board! :)
    ~Naila Moon

  2. These are gorgeous. I'm now following your boards. I'd love if you would take a look at mine and see if you would be interested in following any.

  3. It's official, I'm now following you on Pinterest. Kathleen, you need to add a linky follower to your blog.

  4. Hi Kathy, I'm following you on Pinterest and voted for you as per your request. I love the new look of your blog, but have always found it a wonderfully creative place to be. I saw a plus sized dress form on American Pickers and would LOVE to have a body double my size!;-) I have never seen a bargain anywhere on these coveted vintage ladies. Maybe someday... Good luck on your search! Love, Penny

  5. Kathleen I'm crazy for dressforms too! Ummm I pinned about all of them that you posted *winks* And I'm your newest follower on pinterest...I even have a board dedicated to dress forms *winks* Vanna


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