February 17, 2012

Vintage Locket Love

Seriously, I kid you not.  My last three vintage designs were all locket necklaces.  I'm just in love with filigree antique brass lockets.  They're just so delicate.  And coupled with a bit of vintage bling, well, that's the way I like them.  Today's necklace is adorned with a vintage pearl and rhinestone earring.

Simple, delicate and elegant.

Soon to be in my Etsy shop.

Do you like lockets?

I'm not sure how much DIY-ing will go on this weekend since the kids are home for a four-day holiday.  Maybe if it's unseasonably warm again tomorrow (one can always hope) there might be some painting in my future? 

Whatever you do, have a great weekend!


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I'll be linking up here:


  1. Love your beautiful new creation and the blingy embellishment. Very nice Kathleen.

  2. You had me at vintage!! So glad you liked my kitchen reno so I could find your fab site! That locket is beautiful - new follower!

  3. Very Pretty! I have not worked on jewelry for a while - I need to get busy.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. It's gorgeous!! And I love your photography work too - you pose your work beautifully.

    Have you considered incorporating pocket watches into the locket theme? They're really fashionable and desirable at the moment. xx

  5. YES! I love lockets. Do you have an Etsy shop? I looked on your blog and I didn't see a link. I'd love to see what you have for sale!

  6. Oh my you are truly talented. Such lovely designs.

  7. That is so pretty, I love the filigree designs too!


  8. What a gorgeous, elegant, and timeless piece! Thanks for sharing at this week's BFF Open House!


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