March 19, 2012

Ball/Mason Jar Palooza and an Unintentional Copy That

O.K., how cool is this?  Karen from The Graphics Fairy strikes once again and shares a fabulous blue, {blue, people!} Mason/Ball Jar.  I love these things so much that I have my own Pinterest page dedicated to them.  And the possibilities are endless in the craft/home decor department.  Today I'd like to share with you my most recent Ball/Mason Jar home decor creation.

A while back I blogged about a great flea market find, my vintage canning tub, here.

I knew when I found it that there would be more than a few uses for it, even if I didn't know exactly what those uses would be at the time. Besides using the tub itself as a home decor element, the inside held a more exciting possibility.

For starters, you need 6 jars to fill all the slots.  So I patiently waited, all the while collecting Atlas/ Mason (spaghetti sauce) jars.  It's a good thing we love pasta in my house.  Just sayin'.  Once the jars were assembled (sans labels and lids of course) this is what I ended up with. (Only 6 months after my first post about this lol.)

The metal tray is just the right amount of rusty.  And as much as I loved the look of the empty jars as is, I decided they needed a bit of spring.  Enter Dollar General.

I bought some hydrangeas, (what I'll call ) fuzzy green cattails, and some white flower thingys that I thought worked well with the mix. Can you tell I'm quite the gardener?

And then I got to arranging.  Boy, was I happy with what I got!

So here I sat all proud of myself for my barn sale/dollar store creation.  And I had to smile when I got the Home Decorators Collection catalog in the mail today.  

Page 63.   Iron Baskets with Roses and Hydrangeas.  $64.00  

Maybe I'll add some pinks and blues to my arrangement for Easter.  Then again, maybe I'll just leave well enough alone.

Hope you all have a great week.  Spring Break and Easter's on it's way!  Enjoy!



  1. Beautiful - such inspiration and creativity. Thanks so much for sharing this fun find and the application you used! PERFECT!!! Enjoy your Tuesday - Jalon

  2. How does that saying go "great minds"? :D I also like yours better.

  3. You did good girl, and I like yours even better!

  4. Absolutely! Leave well enough alone! Yours looks fabulous and I much prefer your flower colors.

  5. I prefer yours to the other one. I need to get me one of those metal things to hold some of my jars.

  6. OH that is too funny. Let's face it, you are a trend setter, what can I say???

  7. I love the wire baskets. I love them for putting candles in the jar and using when grilling out on the deck. Fun!

  8. where ARE you finding this many ball jars???

    thanks for linking

  9. $64 that's crazy! I love what you did with yours :) I'll see you next time.

  10. I too love Mason jars. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Beautiful display! I'm now a follower

  12. Hi Kathy, I love how you filled the jars. A canning jar filled with flowers is SPRING! Love,

  13. I never thought about using a canning rack! Great idea! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  14. Love it....makes such a statement. I just bought a box full of turquoise Ball jars. Now, I just need the vintage canner basket to make one of these beautiful arrangements.
    Im now following you from Please come visit me and maybe you'll follow back. THANKS 8-)

  15. Hard to beat your choice of flowers for early spring colors. Do you still have the rack and jars? Did you change colors as the year progressed? I am into fall colors right now--and so I keep finding pastels and spring blooms as I rummage! Figures!


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