April 29, 2012

The Birds and the Bees

Source: via Kathleen on Pinterest

Got your attention, now, didn't I?  No, this is not going to be about "those" birds and bees.  But this will be about those ever popular bees you can't help but see everywhere these days.  Ironically I'm actually allergic to bees.  Nonetheless, I like them.  I really, really like them.

I love this graphic, don't you?

I recently finished a piece I've been working on for a while.  The brick and mortar store where I sell my jewelry needed me to beef up my inventory (cause things were selling!) and that was just the push I needed to finish it.

I already had the bee pendant, but it needed just a little something.  So I added vintage rhinestones, of course!  And the dangling bee, well, let's just say that Goodwill was my friend the day I found this baby.  It's actually a pin.  I left it as is, in case the wearer might ever want to wear it as a pin.

I used some of my favorite rhinestone balls and faceted glass crystal beads to add a little more sparkle.  And I'm really happy with it.  And you know I'm really into bees these days because I've created a "Bees" Pinterest board.  Such fun!

Do these look fabulous or what?

And how cool is this?  A beehive pendant lamp!

My next project is to make some bee-inspired pillows, assuming I can get my graphically-challenged brain to figure out the best way to transfer the graphics I  love onto fabric.  Penny, are you listening?

I hope you've enjoyed my little foray into the world of bees.  If you did, be sure to stop on by my Pinterest page, "Like" me on Facebook or become a GFC Follower if you're not one already.  Just click on "Join This Site" in my sidebar under "Do You Follow?"

Oh, and if you're interested in the necklace and you live in the area, check out Sensible Threadz in St. Charles, IL.  Their info is on my sidebar.

Have a great week!

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  1. Well, you KNOW I'm into bees. I was so in love with the charm bracelet you wore to the blogging get together.

    I'm going to check out Sensible Threads the next time I drive into town. I love, love, love your charm bracelets.

  2. what a fun theme...your jewlery is beautiful! wow..Goodwill is a great friend!!!!

  3. How pretty! Being busy because you are selling is good. :)
    Have a great week.

  4. Kathleen, I love it!! Personally I am glad this post wasn't about the birds and the bees, but was just about bees. Great job on the necklace BTW.

  5. That is a beautiful piece, Kathleen! I love bee images, too, although, confronted by a real one, I'm a ducker and weaver {sometimes a runner}. : )

  6. I love it Kathleen, so creative and perfect for spring.
    Those cupcakes look too good to eat!

  7. Hi Kathy, You rang? (an old Lyrch joke;-) Anyway, you my dear don't need my help...your creativity is amazing. I love the iron on fabric transfers and if you have a good printer the results are great. Your bracelet is a work of art, as are all of your creations. Oh, we need a crafting day together, but with your busy life, pencil me in for September! Love, Penny

  8. Beautiful necklace! I've been lovin' bees too and will follow your new Pin board. I've got to get over to Sensible Threadz soon.


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