May 1, 2012

Dollar Store Pop-up Vase with Designer Hydrating Beads

Yes, I said "pop-up" vase.  How cool is this?

Okay, technically they call it a "folding" vase.  But I think "pop-up" sounds way cooler.

I did a double-take when I passed this in the floral/crafts aisle at my local Dollar Tree.  The gel beads came in so many pretty colors that I almost couldn't decide.  I would have bought a bunch but I only bought one in case it's a dud.  Ever done that?  But I suppose you could buy ones that compliment your flower colors!  What a neat and inexpensive wedding table centerpiece idea! { BTW, when you see it becoming the talk of blogland you can say that you saw it here first!} 

Okay, so it's supposed to expand "500X."  It also says you can let the beads dry out and then re-use it. I'm pretty intrigued by the whole thing.  Rather than running out and buying flowers to experiment with, I'm waiting till some of our wildflowers are ready for picking so that I can use them as the guinea pigs. And something tells me that they'll be ready tomorrow!

I'm pretty excited to try it, and plan on sharing the outcome, good or bad, with you tomorrow.  Keep your fingers crossed.


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Free Pretty Things For You


  1. Thanks - I have not seen those. I do need to make a trip to DT and will check them out.

  2. It is a treat for me to go to the dollar store, there is a lot of scary stuff there but sometime you hit it lucky and find the most fun things. You sure did. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  3. I've used that type of water bead quite a bit in preschool sensory tables. They are very cool! I use distilled water instead of tap water because our tap water can cause the clear beads to discolor.

  4. Okay Kathleen I'll stop back to see this all come together. see ya tomorrow!

  5. Hi Kathleen,

    I have seen those at a flea market, they're funny (and feel funny). Kids love them too, just call them water marbles -will keep them busy for a while playing with them :)
    And they look nice!

    thanks for sharing,

    Franziska San Pedro
    Flavor Designs

  6. Wow, that's cool! I've never seen those. I'll have to check it out.

    Have a great week!


  7. Thanks for posting this. I just tried it and the beads came out good, but how did you get the vase to stand on its own. I sat in a cup until the beads formed but still can't figure out how it's supposed to sit on its own.


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