June 12, 2012


Family Fun magazine was the inspiration for this incredible outdoor DIY "Deluxe Kid Wash."  Mr. CBD was kind enough to make the trip to the local big box home improvement store for much-needed PVC.  Then the real fun began.  He and chickadee number 3 worked tirelessly one evening after dinner (and a bit the following morning) and came up with this.

After I showed him the Family Fun article, he did a bit more research and came up with some additional instructions on Lowe's website here.  He says he mainly followed the Family Fun one, though.

The car wash engineers.

Our water comes from a well, and man let me tell you that water's COLD!

How sweet it is.

We even convinced our I'm-Almost-a-Teenager-and-I'm-Too-Cool-For-This daughter to give it a try and she liked it, too.  Now that's saying something.

You can see in the above photo that he added additional PVC to create a "roof"  of sorts, hoping to stabilize the whole thing a bit more.  There were holes drilled in those pipes, too, but our water pressure wasn't strong enough to reach them!

It was a huge success.  So much so that even I put on a suit and ran through it, screaming all the while from the icy cold water.  What did you say?  You really didn't think there'd be a picture of THAT now, did you? 

Total cost was around  $25.00, including PVC, sponges, rags, mops and furniture webbing.  Well worth it, I'd say, for the hours of summer fun to come.  Cause it's not getting any cooler, folks.

Have a great week and stay cool, if you can.



  1. What a fun idea to entertain the kiddos - and Mom also. :-D
    You are braver than I, as I don't do cold water. :-D
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Kathy, You guys are the coolest on the block, in every way! What fun! Love, penny

  3. This looks like so much fun! What a great job of engineering! I'm ready for a run through too! Georgia is having some Really hot weather!

  4. Oh that looks like too much fun!! Much better than a sprinkler. Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

  5. How much fun is that! Kids (big and small) just love playing in water!


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