July 24, 2012

Now THAT's a Goodwill find!

Beth Feeback, her husband and a very precious painting.

Okay, I just had to share this tidbit of recent news with all you thrifters and fellow Club G.W.-er's out there. Ever think you made the Goodwill {or just insert your favorite thrifting venue here} find of the century?  This woman makes your find look like an overpriced bad deal.

Beth Feeback picked up two paintings for $9.99 each at a Goodwill in North Carolina.  She just wanted them for the canvasses, so she could PAINT OVER THEM.  (Confession:  I would have wanted to paint over them, too.  Just not my taste in art I guess.)  Turns out, they were worth WAY more if she didn't.  Around $15,000 to $20,000 more!  They are Ilya Bolotowsky originals from the Weatherspoon Art Gallery at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro. You can read her story here.  Who knew?  Way to go, Beth!

This rags to riches story hasn't happened to me yet.  But a girl can dream, can't she?  What was YOUR best Goodwill/thrifting/junking find?  I'd love to hear!

Have a great week!


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  1. Wow! What a story! Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is a wonderful story! Thanx for sharing. tiff

  3. Good for her!! And I was excited about an antique quilt in the "dog bedding" bin for $1.99... :) Thanks for sharing such a fun story!

  4. Great minds - I posted about this same extraordinary find. I've never been that lucky.

  5. I am waiting on my rags to riches find also

    good for them

  6. Wow, this is awesome! I wouldn't have been attracted to them either, but you just never know. About 5 years ago I bought a big ugly boat scene painting at a yard sale for $5. Didn't like it at all but it was original and signed. Had it appraised and sold it at an online auction for $2,200. Yes! Makes you think twice before walking away from something you don't like.

  7. Hi Kathy, Still waiting for the find that let's hubby retire. What a great story ... If anyone can find a treasure, you can! Love, Penny


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