July 21, 2012

Urban Wall Decals ~ WOW!

I'm so excited!  I have to say that I've been very blessed with blog contest wins over the past year.  Can you say POTTERY BARN?  I guess that win was the start of my good luck.  Check out my incredible loot here.

And I just found out that I'm Bonjour Romance's winner of a $75.00 gift certificate to Urban Walls!  {Thanks, Mim!} Their selection of wall art is absolutely amazing and I can not wait to place my order!

Here are just a few of their selections.

I could show you SO many more cool decals, but I'll just let you go over to their shop and see for yourself.
It's going to take me a while to figure out which one to choose!

And be sure to stop by Mimi's blog for all things French!  Thanks again, Mimi!

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Congratulations on winning!
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  2. Congratulations Kathleen. So many fun choices, I know I'd have a hard time deciding.

  3. Now I know why I'm not winning - it's because you are! :) Congrats! I've never tried wall decals, have you?

  4. Couldn't happen
    to a Kinder, more
    lovely blogger than
    you, Kathleen!

    I wonder which one
    you are going to
    choose? They are
    all so cool, and so
    very different from
    one another!

    Happy Monday,
    xo Suzanne

  5. Girl !!

    you did win some goodies



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