September 26, 2012

Spooky Mirror

I never tire of scoping out thrifty finds.  It's an addiction, I'll admit.  But one I can live with {insert smiles here}.  Today I want to share with you a recent thrifty find that I transformed and put to work as Halloween decor.

I scored this fabulous intricately made scrolly mirror at a local church barn sale a few weeks ago. It was all of $3.00.  It was a bit too dark for me, but I'm glad I bought it.  As usual, I didn't quite know exactly where or how I would use it, but I knew I'd come up with something.

I decided to paint it {surprise} white. To say it was an easy job would be an understatement.  Once it was painted {two coats} I gently sanded it to emphasize the underlying dark wood.  Love the chippy, shabby chic vibe going on here.

I originally thought I'd use it on my dresser as somewhat of a vanity piece.  For some reason,  once it was painted white it reminded me of the evil Queen's mirror in Snow White.  I guess it was the Snow White vision that led me to my other idea  - a spooky mirror!

I started with Mr. Rat. Then I added a few other Halloween-y friends and pumpkins.

It's hard to see them, but I added "the birds," which I have to say are probably my single-most favorite Dollar Tree Halloween decor item ever.

Can you see them now?

Mr. Rat (also a Dollar Tree item) is precious, and there's more where he came from.  I can't wait to share a separate post on him and some of his friends.  Really, I'm not crazy. Just a Halloween lover, who loves one-upping Martha every chance I get.

What thrifty finds have you used for Halloween decorating?

Hope you're having a great week!


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  1. Kathleen, I love your spooky decorations! I haven't put much out yet.You've given me some great ideas! I love the mirror! Great transformation!

  2. I do believe Martha should be worried! I love what you did with the mirror. A fresh coat of paint was just what it needed and your Halloween embellishments are so much fun.

  3. I never would have thought to use that mirror for halloween! Looks great! I think I will have to see if I can find some of those birds, too.

  4. What a cute Halloween vignette! Like the mirror redo - much better.
    Enjoy your day.
    Thanks for stopping by. Really wished I had redone my blog before the change over. Guess I will wait now til some of the issues get worked out.
    Enjoy your day.

  5. Hi, Kathleen

    I LOVE this mirror! It's lovely and looks so much better.

    Have a great weekend.


  6. I love that mirror! What a score indeed. It's great with the Halloween theme or as a romantic piece on your dresser. Love all the scrolls and what you've done with it.

  7. Amazing score and amazing redesign. The mirror came out perfect. Thanks so much for sharing!


  8. Kathleen that mirror was a steal! Let me see what did you say..."I look for them and never find them"...Well I look for mirrors like yours and never find them for that price! *winks*
    I love the white, and the contrast with the black is wonderful and striking.....but not scary my friend...sorry...way too cute! I think I bought out all the black crows at the Dollar Tree last year. I agree they were one of the best things they've ever had! Vanna

  9. Kathleen I love it! I was so happy that you painted it white; the rat and friends look great together!

    I do hope you will enter my Giveaway of Velvet Pumpkins from Love Fest!

    Art by Karena


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