March 24, 2013

Classic Easter Carrot Cutlery Tutorial

****If you haven't already entered, be sure to enter my $50.00 Shabby Apple Giveaway HEREIt's a great way to jump start your Spring wardrobe!****

Now on to today's post. 

I call this a "classic" Easter decor craft since it remains one of my most popular (and most pinned!) posts of all time, especially around Easter.  And I wanted to be sure to share it again in time for the big day.  I can't believe it's only a week away!


It's a really easy and festive way to dress up your Easter brunch or dinner table.  And yes, those are paper plates.  Do. Not. Judge.

  I found the idea in Family Fun Magazine back in 2006. I've tried to find their link again but now I get a site called Spoonful instead.  Not sure what's up with that, but that's OK because I've got it for you right here! 

Here's all you need:
Orange party napkins
green plastic cutlery
green pipe cleaners
(I used two different complimentary greens)

The napkins and cutlery were purchased at a party supply store and the pipe cleaners at Michael's.

Since I made these during my pre-blogging days I
don't have as-you-go pictures {sorry!}. 

So here's Family Fun's easy instructions:

For each carrot, fold one of the paper napkins
into a rectangle. Don't be afraid to re-fold them
from their original configuration, whatever that
may be (i.e., a square, etc.).  Place a set of
utensils across the lower left corner of the
rectangle, fold in the lower right corner as shown,
then roll it up loosely.

Wrap one or two green pipe cleaners around the
napkin and necks of the utensils, then twist them
to secure, as shown.  Cut down the pipe cleaners
to size.

And voila'.


So simple, yet they really make a fun statement.  
Here's wishing you a happy and blessed Easter!


{And don't forget to enter my  $50 Shabby Apple Giveaway HERE!}

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I'll be linking up here:


  1. Hi Kathy, Such a sweet idea, so worth repeating! Have a wonderful Easter! Love, Penny

  2. Girl thats adorable. We are having a picnic at the park... I just might have to make some of these to take along. I think they would be perfect! Thanks for the idea!
    big hugs,

  3. I remember when your posted on these before. Great idea - So cute! I need to pass this along to daughter.
    Have a great week.

  4. What a cute, fun idea! Thanks so much for linking this up to Monday Funday!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  5. I have featured you at my blog today....LOVE this cute idea! Please be sure to grab my starfish featured button for your blog and thank you for sharing at my party.



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