I promised a white antler reveal, and here they are, sprucing up our office!
I can't believe that I've never shown you the office before. Oh wait, yes I can, since that big old space above the desk has been empty for 9 years! Pitiful, I know. But not anymore! I'm ecstatic about the changes one small pair of deer antlers can spark in a room. One day there's absolutely nothing on the wall, and the next there's a repurposed bulletin board, antlers and a whole host of other thrift store finds that helped turn the office into what feels like a whole new room. Not bad for a small set of unmounted antlers.
I showed you the naked (a/k/a not painted) unmounted antlers in my last post, along with the white wooden plaque I scored at Michael's for a song. I then used a can of Krylon's Indoor/Outdoor Satin White spray paint on the antlers, attached them to the plaque and voila.
I mentioned earlier how I tried to hot glue the antlers onto the plaque to no avail. So Mr. CBD stepped in and nailed that sucker right onto it. Luckily, there was already a nail hole from the prior owner, although I will say that it took a mighty long nail to get through both the antlers and the plaque. I then screwed two picture hanging "eyes" into the back of the plaque and ran picture wire through and between them, so I could hang the whole thing from the wire. It was really easy to hang since I just had to place a conventional picture hanger into the bulletin board with a small picture hanging nail, and then hang the wire onto that. No hammers required.
I'm tickled pink with their spot for now.
Let me show you some more shots of the newly decorated office.
(They're not the best quality pictures since they're from my iPhone so please bear with me!)
Chippy, shabby armillary sphere picked up at an awesome flea market a few weeks ago, along with my amazing French typography thrift store lampshade.
How awesome are these Goodwill horse head bookends?
Miniature boxwood tree in vintage champagne bucket.
French script lampshade and reverse glass painting with French typography.

Mary and the infant of Prague painting on the wall above the desk.
French clock compliments of Mr. CBD for Christmas. Thanks, hon!
Well, that about does it for now. I'll have a separate post coming up soon that shares with you all the great thrift store ideas I used to transform the room!
Until then, have a great week!
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I'll be linking up here:
Savvy Southern Style
The Shabby Creek Cottage
No Minimalist Here
Common Ground Be Inspired
French Country Cottage
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Kathleen, I love your antler reveal! You are so creative! Your vignette is gorgeous! The hanging clock is a great piece too! I have the same bookends in black; I have seen these on three different blogs lately. Great job!
Great job on the vignette - everything goes well together.
Hope you are having a great week.
This is so fun and unique! Come link up to centerpiece Wed. And share this post on my blog http://thestylesisters.blogspot.com/2013/06/dr-suess-party-and-centerpiece-wednesday.html
This is so fun and unique! Come link up to centerpiece Wed. And share this post on my blog http://thestylesisters.blogspot.com/2013/06/dr-suess-party-and-centerpiece-wednesday.html
Kathleen, The entire vignette is so pretty and I love how you displayed the antler. Thanks for sharing this at the Open House party.
Yeah! Everything looks great! I love how you're displaying the antlers on top of the burlap sack, great idea. Your thrifty finds are perfect, I especially like the boxwood in the champagne bucket. Well done.
LOVE the antlers on the burlap...everything looks great :)
Just found you through Common Ground, and am now following-LOVE your style! Hope you visit and say hi :)
I love your white antlers! It is a great look with the gain sack!
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