June 16, 2013

My Interview with The Graphics Fairy

Hello, friends! 

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes over at The Graphics Fairy? Pop on over to CRAFT::BOOM! and find out.
Karen Watson, a/k/a The Graphics Fairy, was kind enough to share a few tidbits about her famous blog for my recent post about her and all of her free awesome vintage graphics. 

You don't want to miss it!
Also, I really hope you're a
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Just check out my sidebar to become one.  
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You can also subscribe to my blog via e-mail in the upper right sidebar.  Don't miss another thrifty DIY home decor post!      

Hope you all had a great weekend.


I'll be linking up here:


  1. This is a great interview, Kathleen! The photographs are lovely too! Thank you for sharing this! Loved it!

  2. Thanks- I'm gonna go check it out!

  3. Kathleen, I think
    your internship is
    so cool and you do
    such a great job with
    the stories! I'm off
    to have a peek at this
    one, now....

    Happy Sunday!

    xo Suzanne

    PS: Are you still living
    in IL?


Thanks for stopping by ~ I truly treasure each and every comment!