September 27, 2013

How to Dress a Mannequin

I know I showed you my dolled-up dress form (she's really just a bust but please don't tell anyone) in my Festival of the Vine post, but I also promised to tell you her story.

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Well, here it is.

I've always wanted one of those really cool vintage dress forms.  You know the kind:  the ones with French words written on them, the print nice and faded, barely visible after years of use. 


Well, sorry, but that just wasn't in my budget.  Then one day at a local flea market I spied a bust being used as jewelry display.  It was for display only, but the artist who made it agreed to make one for me. It was really inexpensive, somewhere around $30.00 if I remember correctly.  I blogged about it in one of my very first blog posts way back when here.  Little did I know how show-stoppingly beautiful she could be with a little imagination.

Over the past few years I've enjoyed collecting Pinterest pins of unique jewelry display ideas and dress forms as well as dream sales booths.  One theme kept rearing it's beautiful head: the tutu.  And I really wanted one for my girl.  Then a blog friend hooked me up with another blogger who was selling her tutu, just like the one you see here, for $70 plus $10 shipping.  Hhhmmmm...I thought.  I can do better than that. Seek and you shall find!


When I found this one it was a no-brainer.  I ordered it right away and was so happy when it arrived! $17.99 and free shipping!  Woot, woot!

Funny thing is, I wasn't wild about the satin at the top around the waistband.  (Only because I thought it made the tutu look too new.) So I went looking for something to cover that part up.  I shopped one of my daughter's closets and came up with the amazing lace-covered belt that you see here.  Right beneath the belt I added some really wide lace-type ribbon I had on hand and it was a match made in heaven.

I can't tell you how many people at the show asked to buy the belt.  They were so disappointed to learn that it wasn't for sale!  Also funny -- most people felt the need to touch the tutu as they passed by! 
I placed her on a round hat box which is sitting on top of a table.  That way it allowed me to really fluff out her skirt, and gave her the illusion of being more of a "mannequin" rather than just a bust. She was the perfect display piece for my vintage pink rosary necklace which got a ton of compliments and sold really early on in the show.
Since I've never seen a vintage mannequin for sale anywhere for under $100 I'm pretty happy with this arrangement.  She's pretty and draws the customers in.  And she's just plain nice to look at in my studio at home, too.
I'm hoping that this gave you some useful information about decorating a bust/mannequin!  

And thanks for stopping by! I do hope you'll stay connected and follow me via Google Friends Connect, Bloglovin' or e-mail subscription (all in my sidebar) if you haven't done so already.


And I'd also love to see you follow Charm Bracelet Diva {at Home}'s Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter pages, too! Just click on those really pretty-colored icons above:)

Don't miss another thrifty DIY home decor post!


I'll be partying here:


  1. She's beautiful, Kathleen. What a great display piece.

  2. I love her. I love the tutu and how you added the belt. I imagine she is a crowd gatherer.

  3. You did a great job dressing her, Kathleen. I love the tutu! You really found a bargain! YOU given me some great ideas on how to dress mine!

  4. What a great idea Kathleen. I'm happy you held out and finally found a thrifty tutu for her. Love the belt too. Wouldn't you love to have $1 for every time someone touched it?

  5. You did get a good deal, and adding the tutu was a great idea.

  6. What a great idea and the chance to use other objects to create an effect. I get the touching the tutu -- there is something about those that is so attached to emotion and feeling.

  7. Kathleen, I absolutely
    love and respect how
    you are always willing
    to wait for "the right one
    to come along" and don't
    spend more than you feel
    is in the budget. So many
    could take a lesson from
    your heart and ingenuity!

    I thought of you this Saturday
    as I helped another blogger
    work her jewelry booth at
    Junk Bonanza! Like you, she
    is great at display and had
    three mannequins there. People
    kept going gaga for a vintage
    style dress on one of them,
    which she eventually sold to
    one very insistent friend/customer.
    It was from Charming Charlies,
    so you might want to check that
    chain out if you have one nearby.

    Thank you for your always sweet
    and caring comments. Your kind
    words were so soothing during my
    past weeks of shadows and I truly
    appreciated them very much!

    xo Suzanne

  8. I love your style and how you dressed your bust! To dress a mannequin or maybe a bust is on my TO DO list! Yours is perfect! Visiting from Inspiration Monday!


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