October 7, 2013

Fall Vignette

Not much going on here these days since I haven't really been decorating for the season.  It's  unusual for me, but home schooling is taking up most of my time right now.  I did want to share a little vignette with you, though, and (believe it or not) some more of those amazing hydrangeas that just keep on giving.

I just liked the light streaming in here so I took a picture.  This is our family room, and it's usually impossible to get a good picture due to inadequate lighting.  So I jump at the chance to take a picture in here anytime I can.

I went outside today and checked on the hydrangea bushes, more as an afterthought than anything else, since by my recollection they should be pretty much done blooming by now.  But no.

I cut a couple bright pink ones and threw them in one of my vintage blue Mason jars.  There are still a few new blooms out there that I'll be keeping an eye on.  And of course I had to cut the drying ones, too.


I've been so blessed with blooms this year, it practically makes me giddy every time I discover more despite the lateness of the season.  I'm not complaining, of course.

And here is a beautiful fall bouquet courtesy of Mr. CBD, "just because."  He knows that fall is my favorite time of year.  Thanks, babe!

Well, I've got a few full days of homeschooling ahead of me and then a 4-day Fall Break weekend coming up.  Hoping to see some pretty leaves in Michigan.  If I capture any I'll be sure to post them on Facebook and Instagram.  Do you follow?  I'd love it if you would!  See sidebar for details. 
Have a great week, friends!



  1. What beautiful photos, and a lovely Fall gift! : )

  2. Kathleen, this vignette is gorgeous! Your Hydrangeas have been so pretty this year! I adore the pink ones! I have added PH to my soil and my pink ones continue to turn blue, but I still lover them. What a sweet and thoughtful hubby! Thanks for sharing your beautiful bouquets!

  3. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers with us. Your hydrangeas have really done well.
    My daughter home schooled several years, but is not this year. Children here are on Fall break this week.

  4. Hi Kathy, It's like Stonehenge, you only get light on certain days of the year...and you better move fast...We have that here at home too. I love the colors of the Autumn blooms of hydrangea . Especially after the cool nights. Beautiful as always ! Love, Penny

  5. What a beautiful vignette with the light shining through. I'm sure I've said it before, but I am so jealous of your hydrangeas. I'm starting a Pinterest board in their honor:-)

  6. Your hydrangeas are wonderful for some reason I only got 5 big blooms this year off of 5 large bushes

    I just love hydrangeas
    your vignettes are so pretty thanks for sharing


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