November 12, 2013

Homemade Holiday Home Fragrance {Mulling Spices}

Fall is absolutely my most favorite time of year.  As it gets colder outside, we look for ways to make it feel warmer inside.  Be it a fire in the fireplace, a wool throw on the couch or a hot cup of tea, we turn our homes into havens filled with warmth and comfort.  

One thing that's been a mainstay in our house around this time of year, and into Christmas time, is the smell of homemade mulling spices on the stove.  They fill the house with an incredible aroma that lets us know that harsher weather is on the way but all is right with the world at home.

While we use it strictly for the aroma, many people use similar recipes for steeping the ingredients in hot apple cider.

I do think that cinnamon is my favorite ingredient.

And cloves are a close second.  Their scent is very strong, but mixed with the apples and cinnamon it's quite pleasant.

 Here's what we usually use:

apples, cored and sectioned
cinnamon sticks

{*Other recipes also use allspice, cardamom, star anise and orange peel.  You can place all the ingredients into a homemade tea bag/ sachet or cheesecloth tied up with kitchen string, and then place that into a cup of hot cider.}

And that's it.  First we fill a pot with water and place the ingredients in it, turning the heat up to medium until it boils.  Once it boils we turn it down to simmer and enjoy the aroma throughout the entire house. 

NOTE:  Be sure to watch the pot carefully, and refill the water level back to full periodically as it will boil off and the pot could potentially burn, causing a fire. 

Don't forget to Pin it!
Here's to a warm and cozy fall and winter.

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Don’t miss another thrifty,
 DIY home décor post!    


  1. Hi Kathy, I love simmering oranges, cloves, allspice and cinnamon sticks...a pot can be refilled and heated several times before I toss it out and start again. It's an inexpensive gift or table favor for the holidays too. Spices can be costly, but my local market sells them in packages in the ethnic food section. Much cheaper than McCormick or Spice Island. Love your photos, ironstone and cinnamon it. Love, Penny

  2. And the smell is wonderful! Years ago I used a blend during Thanksgiving and Christmas that was wonderful, and I don't remember what it was. Great job on the photos!
    Off to attend a meeting that I had rather skip. :/
    Enjoy your evening.

  3. I'm all warm and happy just thinking about that smell. I love the idea of making my own, thanks for sharing your recipe. Your pictures are beautiful as well!

  4. This reminds me of my mother! She always had spiced tea on the stove throughout the holidays and into winter. Our home smelled fabulous! Thanks for this precious reminder!

  5. It's my favorite time of the year too. I can smell the aroma from here, I'm going to have to keep this in mind for these colder days ahead. Thanks for sharing Kathleen.

  6. I love cinnamon and cloves! What a great idea! I can smell it now!


  7. there's no winter here ... but a bit chilly during the evening due to the monsoon season ... so motivated by this charming medley ... i have put orange (no apple in the fridge), cinnamon, cloves and star anise ... lovely aroma is floating now ... thank you very much ...

    a first time visitor :)

  8. Hi,
    I'm Sham from Kuwait.
    Winter just started here and I can bet with your "secret recipe" I can make my house smells even better. Even better than using those ready made potpourri.
    Thanks again for the wonderful ideas.


  9. those are some of my favorite spices...I cook with star anise all year long! LOVE it!
    Thanks for linking up to Twirl and Take A Bow!

  10. I know this smells wonderful and perfect for Fall.

  11. Thanks for the Holiday idea. It was great to see you linked up to Tickled Pink Times Two.
    Make it a great day.

  12. cinnamon hv a wonderful smell & very useful spice in cooking...

  13. This is so pretty and I can smell it through my screen. :) Thank you for linking up to your autumn abounds party, just pinned.


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