December 19, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life and Reindeer Love

Like many of you, in light of the rapidly approaching holiday, I plan on taking a blogging break. But before I do, I just wanted to share with you two of my all-time Christmas favorites. The Christmas movie "It's a Wonderful Life" has really been my favorite movie of all time for many years running now. And as reindeer have become ever-so-popular over the past year or so I have grown to love them, too.

Just so happens that I found this awesome Christmas chalkboard printable (another one of my obsessions loves) over at Simply Kierste and just had to use it in my home decor this Christmas.
it's a wonderful life chalkboard printable |
 {Please go to Simply Kierste directly to get the free download.} 

I set it up in a simple white frame on some burlap along with two incredibly sparkly reindeer heads I picked up for half price at Jo-Ann's.  Every time I see them my heart skips a beat.  Really.  I absolutely love them.

Isn't she lovely?  Yes, I've decided she's a she.

Right now I have these beauties on my mantel along with strands of lights and candles, but it's too hard to get a decent picture there so I created this vignette to show them off properly.

Now I'm off to take care of more pressing things, like wrapping presents and baking goodies.

Hope you liked my reindeer!  And if you haven't already, be sure to catch "It's a Wonderful Life."  Sometimes all we need is a sappy old movie to remind us that it is indeed just that, a wonderful life.

Merry Christmas, friends!



  1. OOOHHH I love those reindeer heads too! Have a great break...Merry Christmas!


  2. The chalkboard is fabulous! Your vignette with the reindeer are so pretty; I love how they sparkle! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  3. I love your vignette and I'm sure it looks just as pretty on your mantel. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  4. That is one of my favorite movies, Kathleen. Although, I always have to keep tissues close at hand. Love the chalkboard print.

    Merry Christmas!


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