April 22, 2014

How to Get DSLR Quality Photos From Your iPhone

{I put this in my shop recently and it sold right away.}
As a vintage jewelry artist with an Etsy shop, I value having the ability to take great photos to share with my customers.  In the beginning I started out with a full-sized DSLR Camera.  I took some great pictures with it, but let's face it: I was intimidated by it.  I took a photography class, read a bunch of books and even scoured tutorials online, but I never felt like my photos were ever getting any better.

Enter the iPhone.  It's been a year and a half and I couldn't be happier with it and how I can use it as my go-to camera on a day-to-day basis.  Whether it's Easter photos of the kids or jewelry photos for my Etsy shop, I can count on the iPhone's quality picture taking ability .

My only reservation was that I wanted to take even better close-ups of my jewelry.  Knowing this, my husband surprised me with an ollocip lens package for Christmas.  I'm still getting used to it, but I think I know enough about it to be able to say that for me, it's a great alternative to a traditional DSLR camera for close-ups.  Right now I'm working on a ton of new jewelry pieces to add to my Etsy shop, and I'm loving the convenience and ease of taking great close-ups.  Here's a few sneak peaks,  just to let you see how nicely their macro lenses really capture all the details.

Aren't they awesome close-ups?  As you can see, I really do rely on being able to capture some pretty tiny, delicate details on my vintage religious medals.  The olloclip allows me do that.
The 4-in-1 lens package (works with iPhone 4/4s and 5/5s) comes with their quick-flip case and pro-photo adapter that allows you to mount your iPhone to a tripod or other accessories. The four lenses included are a fisheye lens, a wide-angle lens, a 10x macro lens and a 15x macro lens.  
And as a DIY home décor blogger, I've ways envied those other bloggers who take great whole room shots. Up until now I haven't been able to accomplish that.  But the olloclip wide-angle lens really seems to work and I'm looking forward to using it once we get settled in our new home (whenever that finally happens...) to share even more of my DIY home décor journey with you.
So no, I wasn't compensated for this post.  But I did like the olloclip enough to spread the word in case any of you out there are in the same boat, looking for an easier way to take better photos.    
I can't wait till I get my Etsy shop updated. So stay tuned for the announcement!  And in the mean time,
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Don't miss another thrifty DIY home decor post!



  1. Wow, great pictures! I've never heard of this nifty gadget before, will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing Kathleen.

  2. These close up are absolutely fantastic! I also use my Droid to take pictures for general close ups. I only use the macro setting (I don't get this kind of detail). This works fairly well for me. I have issues with eyesight that make it very difficult to take clear matter how expensive the camera. Isn't it amazing whats available for your phones? Thanks for letting us know what's out there~~~

  3. That's so interesting! Your pics look amazing!

  4. Your photos are really beautiful!
    Thank you for your visit,
    Mary Alice

  5. I wonder if they make
    that little device for
    smart phones? Love all
    the great shots that you
    were able to capture in
    great detail, Kathleen!

    Hope you are well and
    that you are feeling easier
    about the move and all
    that you have on your plate.
    I'm sure it's nerve-wracking
    for you and your family,
    but hopefully it will also
    be a grand adventure!!!

    xo Suzanne

  6. Wow, your photos are stunning! I have never heard of this set of lenses for an IPhone. Thanks for sharing this tip!

  7. Great photos. I'm going to pin this article for sure!

  8. Is that a bracelet or necklace...when I think of all the medals, Rosaries and crosses of my youth...I need to look through all my Mom's jewelry boxes...That is just amazing.
    Great photos too. And thanks for your kind words. love, Penny

  9. Those are very good for a smartphone! Thanks for sharing!


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