June 3, 2014

Craftpreneur Advice from the Pros

craftpreneur post it

If you've been reading my blog for a while you might remember that around this time last year I announced I was partnering with a website called Sparkplugging as one of their interns.  More specifically, I was working as a writer on their blog entitled CraftBoom. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, the internship ended abruptly.  But I'm happy to say that I've been reunited with CraftBoom and hopefully will be writing again for them from time to time.

My latest post is up and ready for your comments!  It's entitled "Craftpreneur Advice from the Pros." I would really appreciate it if you would hop on over there and leave a comment, or better yet, SHARE it on your favorite social media sites. 

I would love you to pieces if you could!


I'll be linking up here:


Thanks for stopping by ~ I truly treasure each and every comment!