July 23, 2014

Life's a Beach

Need I say more?
Just got back from a lovely vacay with family at the Jersey Shore.
The morning I took this picture it was absolutely beautiful beach weather.
(I mean, two sunny days out of eight isn't bad, right?)
Between vacation and chickadee number one's foot surgery yesterday I feel like I haven't been around much.
Well, it's time to get back in the swing of things and start some projects to share with you all!
All I need is a little time to myself.
Not sure WHEN that's going to happen.
But a girl can dream, can't she?
Until then, I'd really love for you to stay connected and follow me via Google Friends Connect, Bloglovin'
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Don't miss another thrifty DIY home decor post!


  1. So pretty! I could stay there all the time and listen the the ocean!I do love the beach! I hope the patient is feeling better! Surgery is no fun!

  2. Love a beach vacation. I've never been to the Jersey shore, it looks gorgeous! Glad you had a good time.

  3. Only 2 sunny days out of 8? That is a a bummer.:/
    Hope the patient is on the mend with a quick and full recovery.
    Enjoy your evening.

  4. I hope everything went well with your daughter's surgery and that she's on the mend. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your beachy vacation.


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