September 29, 2014

A Pinteresting Salted Caramel Apple Pie Recipe

Last year around this time I shared my favorite tried and true apple pie recipe. It's been a favorite in my house for years. And years. So this fall I thought I'd mix it up a bit and (gasp) make a different (but just as delicious) apple pie. Well, pies. Individual caramel apple pies, that is.

This recipe can be found on my Fun Food Pinterest Board, along with all the other recipes that I baked with my kids over this past summer. It's a new take on an old classic ~ individual pies versus one big pie. I was a bit hesitant to try it. I mean, why mess with with a good thing? But I'm glad I did.

Here is an individual pie before I added the top layer of dough.
Can't you just smell the cinnamon?

Here it is with the top crust, after I fluted the edges with a fork.

And here they are in all their salted caramel apple glory.

Flaky crust, warm caramel and softened apples with cinnamon.
You couldn't ask for a better combination on a cool, crisp, fall day.

You can find the recipe at Sugar Apron, a food blog I came across
while perusing Pinterest one day.

I have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself for having made these, especially since I actually made the dough from scratch. For someone who would rather use store bought Pillsbury pie crust rounds, that's quite an accomplishment. But if dough from scratch is not for you, I am sure you can substitute premade dough and they will turn out just fine.

Do you have a favorite apple pie recipe?

Well, that's it until next time, friends! 

I hope you enjoyed reading about my 
Pinteresting Salted Caramel Apple Pie Recipe.
And thanks so much for spending 
time with me today!

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  1. Yum ! Those do look and sound so good. It has been a long time since I did any baking.

  2. Yum! These look like the perfect Fall dessert! I can't wait to try them:)

  3. My hubby would LOVE these!!! I must check them out~~~they are too cute! Blessings~~~Roxie

  4. I do have a favorite apple pie recipe, but I've never thought to do it like this. Yummy. Pinned to try!


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