I've been haunted by a certain saying lately, having seen it all over blogland for a while now. Have you seen it?
It is Well
Honestly, I thought it was from the Bible.It's actually lyrics from a song entitled "It is Well with My Soul" written well over a hundred years ago by Horatio Spafford and Philip Bliss. When I looked into the history of the song, I was quite humbled. It involves the tale of a husband and wife (the Spaffords), their children and the unbelievable losses their family suffers through the years.
Mr. Spafford, an attorney, and his wife, Anna lost their only son to scarlet fever in 1870. They later lost their wealth as a result of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. They then lost their FOUR daughters in a shipwreck in 1873. Spafford wrote the lyrics to the song shortly thereafter. The song is truly beautiful, and you can
hear it here.
It really made me think about how blessed my family and I are, and how easy it is to take that for granted. Knowing this, I was convinced that I wanted to use the quote for my huge DIY chalkboard that hangs in our kitchen eating area.
I scanned the internet for just the right font, and I ended up with this.
I've been known to free-hand some of my other chalkboard art, but I wanted to make sure this was done right. So I employed a super-easy method I've used in the past and you can find my reverse chalk transfer method tutorial for it here.
In order to get the letters just the right size, I used a free website called Block Posters and enlarged them, printing them out on my own printer. It's a really fun and easy site to use. Just upload your picture and follow their instructions. My particular quote printed out in six pages.
I cut the copies down to size (cut the white parts off) and taped them together into one big quote. I then placed it on my chalkboard, using painter's tape to mark the board so I had an idea as to where to reposition them after I chalked the back of each sheet per my tutorial.
After chalking the back of each sheet, I secured the entire thing to the chalkboard, again using painter's tape. Then I outlined each letter in pencil and colored them all in.
Here are the first three words outlined and colored in. Once I lifted the paper off the chalkboard I was left with a very faint outline of the words. I then filled them in a bit more with my chalk and
ended up with this.
I added the anchor using the same method that I used for the words. I just googled "anchor image" to find it. I then downloaded it to my computer and printed it out as is, since the size was just right for my project.
I then used the reverse chalk transfer method for this as well. It's a really easy technique you can use if, like me, you're not always comfortable drawing something freehand.
Well, that's it until next time, friends!
I hope you enjoyed reading about
my Reverse Chalk Transfer Method.
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Knowing the story/song behind the words makes them all the more special. Thank you for sharing this.
I love knowing the meaning behind this lyric. It's so interesting. I, too, thought it was biblical. Your sign looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing a great tutorial!
I had no idea where this quote originated, thanks for sharing the story. Love your sign Kathleen and the great tutorial.
That turned out great, Kathleen! I would have to use a method like this because I could never free-hand on a chalk board. It would look horrible. : )
"It is Well With My Soul" is a wonderful hymn which I love. The story behind it is truly compelling and I needed to be reminded of it today...thank you!
Mary Alice
It looks wonderful, Kathleen. Thanks for sharing the story of this lyric.
I have always loved that saying and song. How nice to have it in printed form as a reminder to appreciate life's blessings. Thanks for sharing your process. ~Ann
Tarnished Royalty
This is one of my favorite old hymns. I didn't know the history behind it though. Your chalkboard turned out great! Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend!
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