May 4, 2015

Easy Churro Cupcakes for Cinco de Mayo

churro cupcake charm bracelet diva at home

Happy Cinco de Mayo! To celebrate this festive holiday I thought I'd share a yummy and easy churro cupcake recipe that I'm sure you and your family will LOVE! If you love the taste of churros, but don't love that they're deep fried, then this easy churro cupcake recipe is for you. All the flavor without all the hassle.

churro cupcake charm bracelet diva at home

Cinnamon? Check.
Sugar? Check.
Cream Cheese Frosting? Check.
I mean, what more do you really need?

First off, let me start out by saying that I originally came across my first churro cupcake recipe while cruising around Pinterest. I pinned it, printed it out, and planned on making it. But once I read through the recipe a few times I had a couple questions that went unanswered. So I googled "churro cupcake recipe" and man, did I get a lot of hits! So then I started reading, and decided to make my own version of the online recipes I found. Don't get me wrong, they were all pretty much the same awesome recipe, with a minor tweak here and there. And my version isn't much different. I just wanted you to know that my version is really just a mish mosh of the many recipes I found online.

So here goes.

churro cupcake charm bracelet diva at home



Cupcake Batter:
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups cake flour (I use Swan Down brand)*
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2 sticks UNSALTED butter  (room temperature)
1 3/4 cups sugar
4 large eggs (room temperature)
1 1/4 cups milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 stick (salted) butter, softened
1 8 oz. bar of cream cheese, softened
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 cups confectioners' powdered sugar

Cinnamon Sugar Topping:
1/8 cup (2 heaping tablespoons) granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


For Cupcakes:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Line cupcake tins with paper liners.
3. In one bowl combine all-purpose flour, baking flour, salt and cinnamon.
4. In a large bowl, or standing mixer bowl, use mixer to cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
5. Add eggs, one at a time until combined, and then beat in the vanilla.
6. On low speed, add flour mixture to butter and sugar mixture in three batches. Alternate those batches with one half of the milk, beating till combined after each addition. (i.e., flour, milk, flour, milk, flour).
7. Fill cupcake liners one half to three quarters full depending on the size of your tins. My tins were large, so I only filled them about half way full.
8. Bake for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the middle of a cupcake comes out dry.
9. Cool on wire racks.

For Frosting:
1. In a large bowl, cream the butter and cream cheese together.
2. Add vanilla and cinnamon.
3. Add confectioners' sugar, one cup at a time, making sure it's completely incorporated before adding the next cup, until all 5 cups are added.
4. Once cupcakes have completely cooled, either spread or pipe (I piped) icing on top of each cupcake.
NOTE: Since the icing is made with cream cheese, the cupcakes need to be refrigerated once they've been iced.

For Final Topping:
1. Combine sugar and cinnamon in a small pinch cup or ramekin.
2. Sprinkle mixture on top of each cupcake after it's been frosted.
I love to put my pretty cupcakes on display stands and in cloches. 
 Not that they last very long in this house.

churro cupcake in cloche charm bracelet diva at home
churro cupcakes charm bracelet diva at home

churro cupcakes in cloche charm bracelet diva at home

You can also use colorful cupcake tin liners, and maybe stick a cute favor on top, too, to make it just a bit more festive.
But if my kids' reactions are any indication, it won't matter if you decorate them or not. They are da bomb.
And remember, it doesn't have to be Cinco de Mayo in order for you to make these awesomely delicious churro cupcakes!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
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  1. Sounds delicious, Kathleen--I'd love to give them a try. I'm pinning it :)

  2. These look absolutely delicious and my husband adores churros. I might have to surprise him :D

  3. Oh my gerd! These look awesome! Pinned!

  4. Kathleen, I love churros so I know these cupcakes would the most amazing - thank you for your great recipe. Cathy

  5. These sound absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I am pinning this right away. :)

  6. HI. I am making your churro cupcake recipe and was wondering if 1 TABLESPOON OF BAKING POWDER was correct. I have never used so much in baking so just wanted to make sure it was not a typo. I have to decide how much i am going to use but would like to know for sure if this is what you use.

    Please respond to

    Thank you,
    Annetta Williams


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