Don't you just love getting packages in the mail? I know I do! I was so thrilled to receive
a beautiful handmade Christmas ornament in the mail recently. It was created by my talented
that she sells in her Etsy shop, later giving any profits to charity. She's pretty great like that.
This year she had the help of her sweet son who is working on a his Citizenship in the
Community Boy Scout merit badge. The charities that will benefit this year are Boys Town
and The Human Society of North Texas.
The 2015 ornament theme is "There's No Place Like Home." When I saw the
ornaments being offered I just had to purchase one that really spoke to me. I'm a deer
fanatic, so you can imagine my glee when I spied this little guy.

What could be cuter than this deer in the snow, with vintage lace in the background to boot?
Heaven I tell you. I had fun setting it up in a Christmas vignette for the photo shoot.
It came in an adorable Christmas gift bag.
It's so nice when someone takes the time to creatively wrap your purchase.
I know this will be one of my favorite ornaments for many years to come. Sadly, all the
ornaments have already sold. But she also made some darling Putz houses as well and they
are still for sale in her Etsy shop. Stop by and show her some love. You won't be disappointed.
Be sure to stay in touch!
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That is lovely, sweet!
Laura is a sweetheart! We've not yet actually met, but now that she is living in TX we hope to do just that. She was kind to invite me to the Cookie Exchange, but can't make that trip on the date. Another time.
Her ornaments are adorable. Like I said....she is a sweetheart!
What a beautiful ornament and such a thoughtful gift/friend! Love it!
So cute Kathleen, and I love how you staged it with the scale--love the red and white!
OHMYGOSH, Kathleen. That is so cute. I just love anything with a deer in it. This one is especially cute! What a fun ornament to have. xo Diana
So pretty! I love your festive vignette, especially the addition of the red scale. Thanks, Kathleen, for sharing with us at VIParty.
Oh Kathleen you have brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so VERY much for such a lovely feature. I had indeed missed it and am so thankful that you brought it to my attention. I have been stretched so thin recently with school, trying to prepare for company at Thanksgiving and two upcoming Tour of Homes. You my sweet friend have given me just the shot in the arm that I needed to continue. May you be blessed this holiday season with healthy and happiness. XO
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