November 2, 2015

Thrift Store Lamp Transformed into Vintage-inspired Christmas Decor: Junk Revision Challege

Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor

Hello everyone! I can't believe it's November, can you? I hope you all had a nice Halloween weekend. Ours was pretty quiet, all things considered. Today I want to share with you an early Christmas project I've been working on. A few talented blogging friends and I get together once a month and write about repurposed projects we've been working on. Each month has a different theme.The theme for November is any type of holiday décor project using thrifted finds. Right up my alley!

I have to start off by saying that I NEVER decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving. EVER. So working on this project now takes me a bit out of my decorating comfort zone. I mean, as I write this it's Halloween night. Seriously, it seems pretty weird to me to be writing about Christmas. But I have to say that when all is said and done I'm so glad that I did!

thrifted bottle lamp decor Target

Here's a picture of my first brush with thrifted bottle lamps from a few years ago. The post, ironically, remains one of my most popular. But today I have another bottle lamp to share.

Many months ago I picked up this open base bottle lamp, new, from Goodwill. It was originally from Target. Their price: $75-$200. (All I could find was another blogger's post about it as a reference for a price range.) My cost: $3.99. Bottle lamps have been popular for quite some time now, and you can't open a Pottery Barn or Ballard Designs catalog without seeing them. From what I can tell Target no longer carries this particular lamp.

When I first saw it I knew right away that it was a gold mine as far as decorating goes. I mean, it's a cloche! I originally saw it in my mind's eye filled with vintage Christmas ornaments. Or large pine cones. Or coral and sea shells.....I think you get the picture. So into the cart it went. And once I got it home it sat in the basement. And sat. And sat. But I wasn't worried because I knew its time would come. Lo and behold, it did.

I used a linen shade we already had, and I added one of my son's red trucks. Then the rest just fell into place. A few bottle brush trees were the perfect addition. And the decorated bottle brush tree in the middle lights up! It was a Target clearance item I picked up right after Christmas last year.
Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor

Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor

I tried a few different vignettes with it. At first I added a few tinsel trees.

Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor

Here it is with the actual lamp turned on. I can use it as more of a mood light and just light the little tree, or I can actually light the lamp itself as well.

Then I added my vintage farmhouse scale into the mix.

Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor Air Stream ornament

Last Christmas my husband gave me a Pottery Barn Air Stream ornament! Isn't it darling?

Last but not least I added a brown paper package wrapped up with string.

Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor

Which vignette do you like best? I can't decide!

I could not be happier with how my first try at decorating with this thrift store lamp turned out.

Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor

So what do YOU think?

Don’t Forget to Pin it!

Thrifted Christmas cloche lamp decor

My friends will be linking up all day with their thrifted holiday décor creations,
so be sure to check their links below for some incredible inspiration!

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  1. Kathy, I remember that lamp at Target and what a great idea for using all that empty real estate underneath the glass. Pinned it to a community Christmas decor board.

  2. oh my cute is this??? Super Cute! Pinning

  3. This is the cutest lamp ever! You're a genius! :+)

  4. Absolutely stunning! I love this so much! Now I want a lamp like that ;)

  5. Really, really, really cute idea, Kathleen! I love anything Christmas under a dome. I really kind of like the simplicity of the package next to the light because I don't think ti competes for attention that way. That Airstream though? OH MY!!! I just love it! Too bad the dome wasn't a little bigger and you could hook it up to the truck in there.

    Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

  6. Kathleen, this is just adorable. What a great find and great vignette. I agree that the one with the package doesn't take the focus away from the lamp and that Airstream is a little jewel! ;o)

  7. What a creative idea, Kathleen, and so much fun.

  8. Kathleen, Oh my, this is just fantastic!!! Now I need to get thrifting to find a similar base. You are so incredibly clever. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that just by visiting your site some of your cleverness will rub off on me. Pinned it!
    Keep inspiring me and the rest of the blog world!

  9. Such a cute idea and what a heart-warming Christmas vignette!

  10. What a fantastic idea! The red truck is such a great punch of color! Good thinking! I will never look at glass jars the same :)

  11. Oh my gosh, Kathy!!!!
    I love this so much and now I mUsT find one of these cloche lamps.....
    clearly a must have for seasonal changes in our homes, right?!

    Wish my son had a cute little red pick up truck in one of our MANY
    big plastic bins of saved childhood toys but NO! (Star Wars characters
    and Brio trains do not count as quaint vintage holiday decor add ons, unfortunately!) LOL

    Thanks for sharing this. I LOVE it.


  12. That is the smartest Christmas project I have seen yet.

    I like the vignette with the two trees on each side of the cloche globe the best .Love that red pickup truck.

    my sister made me a table runner made out of material with little red pickup trucks with Christmas trees in the back, love it

  13. Kathleen, I love this - the vignette is so adorabel and that bottle brush tree that lights up - perfect. I love the airstream on the scales - so cute. Cathy

  14. Kathleen this is so pretty. It looks as if it belongs in a long ago era. Such pretty details inside the cloche globe. And I'm really surprised that the light is actually working.

  15. SO CUTE! And such a clever idea! Since you asked ... I actually think I prefer the vignette with the package -- the airstream is the cutest, but I think it competes with the truck a bit. They're both so special in their own right ... maybe if it wasn't on the scale?? Thanks for sharing!

  16. Kathleeen, it is gorgeous! I love it and wish I could find an open end bottle lamp. You could change it every season! Great job!


  17. Kathleen, that is soo cute! Love it, and the lighted bottle brush tree inside. That PB ornament is pretty darn cute too!
    Rita C at Panoply

  18. Oh my gosh, that is just the cutest! You can recreate the same thing for any holiday. Smart and pretty. ;)

  19. This will also be a popular post for you. I love it and have never seen an open bottom bottle lamp. You idea with it was certainly eye candy for this coming holiday! Oh the different things you could do though the seasons! Love it!

  20. Where have i been...I have never heard of a lamp like that! It is positively gorgeous....Hope your son does not want his truck back lol yikkes!


  21. I have one of these lamps too and I love how this looks! I will be trying this out for Christmas this year!

  22. I must be living with my head in the sand because I've never seen one of these. What a fun idea! I love what you did with yours; love your sweet scale and ornament. I think the package needs to be included too...all three would look so festive together. Thanks, Kathleen for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  23. This is SO cool! It reminds me of what my dad made for my centerpieces for my wedding, small little time capsules of sweet moments of my husband and I's lives. It was amazing and almost the same exact concept.

  24. What a clever idea!! I love the scene you created inside the lamp :)

  25. This is so pretty! Such a creative scene! Popping in to let you know you are one of the features at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to this week's party. Hope to see you again at the party. Have a happy week! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  26. Super cool Kathleen! Featured at Be Inspired this morning. Thanks so much for sharing!

  27. This is so fabulous I can't stand it!! I want one of those lamps!!! I NEED one of those lamps!! LOL. I love all 3 vignettes but think the one with the scale and airstream ornament is my fave.

  28. Hi Kathleen
    I posted about the same thing a few years back. I bought the lamp at Target for about $40. I also put mine on a pedestal, it made it so much taller and a better height for a lamp. I loved changing it with the seasons! Yours looks beautiful, love the car ornament with the tree :)

  29. Oh my Lord is this adorable! Nice job. Love it!

  30. What a fabulous thrift store purchase Kathleen and I love your make-over with the car and trees. Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday. I'm delighted to be featuring you at tomorrow's party and pinning too!

  31. That is wonderful Kathleen! So creative and cute!

  32. OMG! How did I miss this?!!? SO SO adorable. Must find a lamp like this!

  33. Thank you for posting this darling lamp. I love the red truck!! My daughter just bought me one from Target. I love it. Come and post this at our party also if you like. Saw you at Shabbilicious Friday. Best wishes, Linda @Crafts a la mode


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