March 14, 2016

Hello Lovely!

Hello Lovely!

Yes, I'm talking to you! I think we all sometimes need to be reminded that despite our every day imperfections we are, indeed, lovely! I really wanted to share that sentiment with you today while at the same time reveal a few other things I think you're going to love. So again, let me say, "Hello Lovely!

For those of you who have been with me from the beginning, you know I originally started this blog as a jewelry blog. I love to design and create jewelry made out of repurposed vintage jewelry findings. I even have an Etsy shop where I sell my creations. If you're interested, you can read about my creative process here. Unfortunately, it's been too long since I've put out any real designs to speak of. So that's why I'm happy to be able to share one of my recent designs with you today.

As you can see, it's along the lines of my usual eclectic, vintage-mod mix. 

I used vintage pearls, earrings, keys, medals and charms to create this beauty. Along with some of my favorite faceted glass crystals. Cause there's always gotta be a little bling, right? 

Here it is on top of the "Hello Lovely" glass jewelry box my husband gave me for Christmas. I love the fun sentiment that's written inside the box, and I love that you can see straight inside it. And the words "Hello Lovely" make me smile every time I see them.

How do you store YOUR jewelry?
Do you have a favorite 
jewelry box?

Anyone interested can find this bracelet
along with other vintage jewelry creations
in my Etsy shop, Love You More Designs.

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Dont miss another
thrifty DIY
home décor post!


  1. Your bracelets are so gorgeous, Kathleen and I love your jewelry box. Funny, I recently picked up a pink and gold box that says, "Hello Gorgeous," just couldn't resist the colors ;)

  2. Wow Kathleen! That bracelet is just fabulous. It could be framed and hung as art. Soo beautiful!

  3. Lovely is indeed the word for this bracelet, Kathleen. beautiful work.

  4. Great design! So many fun things to look at!


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