March 8, 2016

Who IS Vintage Charm's February Feature of the Month?

Hello everyone! 

Guess what? It's that time again.

Your Vintage Charm hostesses
 (Diana, Sharon, Kathleen, Cecilia, and Tuula)
are very pleased to announce the 
February Feature of the Month!
Can you guess who it is?

Painted Vintage Luggage with Grainsack Stripe by Altered Artwork #19

It's Doreen at Altered Artworks!

In her post, Doreen explains how she finally found the perfect "match" for a plain-jane, blue suitcase that sat in her closet for two whole years. The match? A vintage luggage rack, which when paired with the suitcase, allowed her to create this charming side table with a hand-painted grainsack stripe accent.

Bonus: The pretty pink interior provides some extra storage. Be sure to visit her post to find out how she achieved this farmhouse look and to see the before shots. You'll be so surprised!

We hope you'll visit Doreen at Altered Artworks
and follow her on social media:





Your Vintage Charm Hostesses would love to connect with you, too!

Itsy Bits And Pieces
Christmas Home Tour

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Valentine Decorations

Keep in mind that at the end of the year, we will select a Feature of the Year (from among the previous monthly winners) who will receive special prizes.
So be sure to link up your very best
vintage posts every Thursday (8 am).
Congratulations, Doreen!
Grab yourself a "Featured" Button!

See you all Thursday!!

And be sure to stay in touch:

Enter your email address in the box below
to join my e-mail subscriber list:

then just click:

(And be sure to confirm your subscription
when prompted by email!)
Dont miss another
thrifty DIY
home décor post!


  1. Congrats to Doreen, it's almost as winning a prize such feature !

    Have a lovely remainder of you week, my sweet Kathleen, see you next Thursday,
    sending dear love to you

  2. Thanks for your lovely comments, Daniela and Amelia! Hope you'll visit my blog and follow along!
    Doreen @ Altered Artworks


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