May 16, 2016

Thrill of the Hunt #27

Hello friends! I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit today. I absolutely love sharing my Thrill of the Hunt treasures with you. While my finds are not always vintage, they are all great finds in their own right, at least in my world! I like to think that my weekly scores provide you with ideas and inspiration as to just what's out there for the taking, if you'll only look for it! Thanks for coming along for the ride with me each week.       

I hope you all had a glorious weekend. Ours was a lovely one. We spent Sunday watching our two daughters get Confirmed, followed by a family celebration. I can't believe how old our girls are getting. Where does the time go?

First up I wanted to share something I scored at a restore many months ago but just never got around to sharing. You all may know that I collect globes. L-o-v-e them. And it's a fine day when I can find a LIGHT-UP globe for less than $5.00. Yes you heard that right I said LIGHT-UP.

Light-up globes are more expensive than non-light-up globes. I found this one selling online for around $35.00. I truly never thought I'd stumble upon one in working condition in a restore/thrift shop. But it must have been my lucky day! And it's a touch lamp with three levels of brightness to boot! And while it certainly looks fabulous with my pretty desk accessories as shown here, right now it's actually in my son's space-themed room. Eventually I'd like it to migrate to our home office along with all my other globes. But right now it's just perfect where it is.

I also recently picked up a vintage collectible Doris Hart tennis racquet with plaid canvas cover and Regent wooden tennis racquet press for $1.99 at Goodwill. Yes, I did the happy dance when I saw it!

American Doris Hart was a No. 1 World tennis player who was active in the 1940's and first half of the 1950's. She was ranked No. 1 in 1951. So I'm guessing this racquet is probably from the 1950's. I've seen it selling on Etsy for around $30.00. Some other vintage Doris Hart racquets appear to be worth double that. I think mine should be worth more just for the plaid cover alone, but I'm not sure how rare that is. I've seen the wooden racquet presses alone going for $15.00 and up.

I'm not sure whose name this is on the racquet press. Perhaps the original owner's?

Next up is an old book I almost passed up on the shelf at Salvation Army. I'm so glad I noticed it.

Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. 

I think I paid less than $1.00 for it. I've seen it selling for $20.00 or more depending on the condition. This one's in great condition. I'm just surprised that there's no copyright date on it anywhere. I saw an almost identical one for sale that is claiming to be from the 1940's. I believe mine to be at least that old.

I'm sorry to say I've never read it, but with summer right around the corner I might just get a chance to finally read it.

I was very excited about this next find. If you've been following me for any amount of time you probably know that I love (and collect) ironstone, preferably vintage. But I'm not picky.

I picked up this contemporary white ironstone platter for $2.00 at Goodwill. It's a Mikasa French Countryside 15 inch oval platter selling on their website for $79.99 (MSRP $155.00). Score!

I just fell in love with the intricate lines of it.

So while not vintage, I think it will go well with my other ironstone pieces. And my everyday china is white so this will work out perfectly.

Last but not least I wanted to share this adorable little ceramic couple. Yes, it's a salt and pepper shaker. While I recently decided to start collecting salt and pepper shakers, this one was actually purchased as a gift for a friend who collects bears.

I'm showing them here with some of my vintage Fiestaware. I thought the colors went well together!

It was made by Dabs, Japan. I've seen a similar one in pretty bad condition going for $8.00. Mine's in perfect condition and cost me around 99 cents.

I think my friend is going to love it!

Well that about wraps it up for this edition of Thrill of the Hunt. I hope you've enjoyed following along and learning about my thrifty treasures. And I can't wait to share my next round of vintage and thrift store finds with you so stayed tuned!

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 DIY home décor post!    


  1. Wonderful finds I would have bought every single one of them. I don't collect salt and pepper shakers but the bear and fish just might make me want to.

  2. Funny globe story for you. I found one for a few dollars at Goodwill and gave it to my grandchildren. Then hubby found one for me at a local antique store and thought I would like it. His cost $20! Mine is blue - I've never seen one with beige water. I like that a lot. (My son in law said he saw one that was pink.)

  3. Wonderful finds, Kathleen! That tennis racket cover is fabulous and the salt and peppers adorable. The book is a treasure, too!

  4. Great finds Kathleen! That book is a real treasure, and the salt and pepper is so sweet. I'm sure your friend will love it!

  5. So many treasures, Kathleen! Can't pick a favorite. Congratulations on your daughters' confirmation. That is certainly a cause for celebration. Take care, Cynthia

  6. Ooh, I love all of your finds. I have a thing for globes too and am thrilled when I find one. Anything red plaid and vintage is a must have for me and I find it hard to part with them by listing in my shop. That little bear and fish is just adorable. I did not mean to, but I have quite a collection of salt and pepper shakers, all for sale. I just don't have anywhere to display them!

  7. Such amazing finds! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Her is the link to this week's bash. Hope you have a lovely week!! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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