June 16, 2016

Vintage Charm Party #35

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Welcome to Vintage Charm Party #35 

Thanks to all who linked up last week. And if you're new here, welcome! We appreciate each and every one of you who continue to come back and party with us. We're in constant awe of your creativity and talent! And once again we can’t wait to see what vintage goodies, finds and projects you all have to share with us today. 

Now let's see what our hostesses have been up to this week!



Weekly Features
It’s been difficult for us to choose just one feature. 
Your vintage finds, redos, vignettes and just plain creativity 
have been awesome!

Kathleens Pick

I’m a big fan of old wooden boxes. I like to pick them up at thrift stores and barn sales and transform them. So you can imagine how much I loved Rescue Rehab’s Mining Box Re-Do. Her choice of pig image and vintage graphics was spot-on, allowing her to repurpose the old mining box into something special for her home. Be sure to stop by and check it out!     
Sharons Pick

Sarah at Sadie Seasongoods has done it again.  With the Fourth of July just around the corner she wanted to create something patriotic with a star colander.  So she painted and stitched a star colander but she didn't stop there.  After some debate with herself about what to put in the colander she added some painted rattan spheres and flags to make one amazing patriotic centerpiece.   Hop over to see Sarah's Star-Spangled Colander Patriotic Centerpiece and you just might want to make one yourself.
Cecilias Pick

I don't know about you, but I've been traveling vicariously through Melissa from Melissa's Antiques, most recently via The Old National Road Yard Sale. I've followed her adventures on Instagram and coveted her finds! This week she shares how she used a tote full of quilt squares she found on her road trip to add character to her antique booth in Quickie #3. Since I adore quilts and upcycled banners and yard sales, I was hooked and you will be too when you see her other yard sale scores and booth of vintage treasures!

  Dianas Pick

I'm absolutely in awe of the fabulous makeover Sara at Orphans With Makeup gave this vintage oak dresser, using the color "Little Lamb." And she staged it perfectly with the most adorable, real live lamb. It doesn't get much cuter than this, does it?

 Tuulas Pick

I love having fun and whimsical touches in the garden and AnnMarie from Musings of a Vintage Junkie shares so many fabulous vignettes in her As My Garden Grows post that it was hard for me to pick just one photo for this feature. Everything she created looks so wonderful. I love it all! You really must pop over and take a look for yourself. I just know you'll be inspired!!

If you’ve been featured today, 
grab a featured button from my sidebar!
Party Guidelines
  1. Content: Submit up to three posts that involve vintage finds, crafts, DIYs, or other vintage subject matter. No shop link-ups or direct advertising, please. 
  2. Just a reminder: No Recipe Links, Please!
  3. Link-back: Be sure to include the Vintage Charm button or a text link back to the party in your linked post. This is mandatory to be featured.
  4. Visitation: Please visit other blog posts—after all, that’s what a link up is all about. When pinning, please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest, so the originator of the post gets the credit.
  5. Hostess Love: Consider following each of your party hostesses blogs and/or one or more forms of social media. We love connecting with each of our guests and will be highlighting features on all of our social media.
  6. Spread the Word: Consider mentioning Vintage Charm on your social media to help spread the word and make this party a great experience for everyone.
  7. Prizes: Keep in mind that each month we will select one of the month’s featured posts to be Featured on all four hostesses' blogs. At the end of the year, one of the twelve monthly features will be selected as the Grand Prize Feature of the Year. Prize TBA.
  8. Permission: By linking up to Vintage Charm you assert that the photographs are yours (or you have permission to use them), and you give your hostesses permission to feature them on social media or a blog party, with a link back to your blog. You likewise assert that the content of your post is also yours.
 I can't wait to see what you have to share with us today!


Also, we hope you’ll follow our Vintage Charm Features and Favorites Pinterest board and check it every week. We don't just pin features, but many other posts we love as well. We want to build your traffic and popularity any way we can!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Be sure to stay in touch:

Dont miss another
thrifty DIY
home décor post!
(sign up for emails in my sidebar
or at the bottom of this page)


  1. I love that oak dresser! How did Sara get the lamb to sit still for the photo? I have to go ask her :-)

  2. Thanks so much for hosting!! I hope you have a great weekend!!

  3. I'm so grateful to you, dearest Kathleen, for hosting every week this amazing party which is growing in charm more and more !

    Hope you're having a beautiful week I'm sending much love to you

    Xx ~ Dany

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my mining box redo! Thank you so much for a great link party!


Thanks for stopping by ~ I truly treasure each and every comment!