Bird cages -- love 'em or leave 'em. If you're a bird owner, then bird cages are a reality of everyday life for you. However, even people without birds sometimes use bird cages in interesting ways for home decor. I happen to be one of those people.
Years ago I saw a vintage bird cage at Michigan's Longest Garage Sale. I snagged it up like nobody's business. I've used it in various ways in my decor over the years.
Later, I did a vintage bird cage makeover by painting it white for a fresher look and threading it with "happy lights." I was much happier with the look after it was painted.
Then one day I received a huge Restoration Hardware catalog in the mail and sat down with a cup of tea to peruse and enjoy all the gorgeous home decor within. And right at the front of the catalog was this.
Honestly, I caught my breath. I had never seen anything like it. But of course the price tag was literally out of this world and I presumed that this type of lighting was not going to be an option for me. Instead I dreamed of one day DIY-ing my own bird cage chandelier with the cage that I already had.
It was absolutely beautiful. I mean look at it. What's not to like? It really was a novel idea at the time. But if my memory serves me correctly most were over $1,000.00 (on clearance). And they no longer carry it or I would make sure to link you right up to the catalog.

This chandelier is just one small part of our dining room restoration project. Hopefully you'll follow along for the ride!
Well that's it for today, friends!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my
Restoration Hardware-Inspired
Bird Cage Chandelier -- Vintage Farmhouse Glam, and that I've inspired you in some way.
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Oh my, how very pretty! I can't wait to follow along on the transformation and see that beauty hanging up! It's going to be all worth the upheaval and mess. Have fun with the process!
Great choice, Kathleen--I love it, and what a remarkable bargain :) I'm sure that leaky roof was very unpleasant but I'm glad you're enjoying the "repair" process!
Wow, that really is pretty! No matter how common they are. I haven't seen one before. That really will make a statement for sure!
It's gorgeous and what a blessing to find the bargain--win, win!
It's gorgeous; I envy you. I can also see a bit of Christmas greenery entwined at the bottom or a red velvet bow come the Holidays! I'm sure the redo will be done by then! Good luck living with the mess, sheetrock dust, etc. It sounds like a good excuse to eat outdoors--or even eat out! Just remember, you and Mr. OHH are on the SAME side; my ex and I NEVER argued so much as when we had our house built! You are lucky that he can do some of the carpentry! Good luck!
And, although I'm not much of a drinker, I have a rubber stamp (part of a set) that says, "When life hands you lemons, make margaritas." I'd add, though, not till construction for the day is done!
It's always so fun to find something you've been hunting for...wonderful, Kathleen!
How fancy do they need to be to be called a chandelier? We purchased two hanging lamps at a restore. One is a three-armed-facing-down. It is silver colored, and it replaced a sassy-brassy five-armed hussy with "colonial (?)"-shaped glass over the lights. You know the kind...with the frilly edges. The other is a very heavily ribbed flared glass that we painted the metal parts silver. It replaced a "stained glass" job that looked like it should have been hanging over a pool table. Was it the era, or was it a style, or was it the taste of the time? To be offered at a garage sale near us in the future.
The third one is heavy metal painted gold and white, which we decided to keep as it went with the nature of the beast. We found it at another thrift store. It is kind of scalloped but ball shaped. I know...that's difficult to imagine. This is a heavy plug-in hanging light. We decided to leave it as it, because it kind of goes with things around here. It's an addition, not a replacement.
The best I saved for last. It is a five-armed-facing-up extremely attractive chandelier. This is the most cultured of all. Painted metal leaves and flowers adorn this beauty. I might tone them down, as they are a little bright, but they will work as-is. The colors of the lamp pick up colors from the surrounding rooms. This might replace the foyer gag-light (a flat, prismed-glass "boob" light), but we will have to swag it over to the side above the entry table. It was $125 plus 7% sales tax here in near-coastal southeastern NC. Hey! We live rich around here! It will look gorgeous!
We paid probably $15 and $25 for the first two. We paid $10 for the third one. Look how much we SAVED! So we justified splurging for the last one!
I hope your mess goes as smoothly as possible. Remember to breathe and continue to love that man you married. You don't have to be as nice to the workers, because you don't have to live with them. They are at your disposal to do your bidding, then they will be gone...some day.
Take care. Fonda.
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