The tiny white lid was taped onto it to keep it with the bottle. I paid 99 cents for it.
When I got it home I untaped the lid from the bottle and found this. I was curious so I Googled it (of course) and found out that it is actually a Chinese snuff bottle! How cool is that for a Goodwill find? Unfortunately, the small tube-like piece of plastic attached to the lid is the top of what used to be a long spoon used to retrieve the snuff out of the bottle. Apparently it broke somewhere along the way.
According to Wikipedia:
Snuff bottles were used during the Qing Dynasty to contain powdered tobacco.Smoking tobacco was illegal during the Qing Dynasty, but the use of snuff was allowed because the Chinese considered snuff to be a remedy for common illnesses such as colds, headaches and stomach Therefore, snuff was carried in a small bottle like other medicines. The snuff bottle replaced the snuff box used by Europeans.
Some Chinese snuff bottles are highly collectible and worth a lot of money. Mine is probably not worth much, especially with the broken spoon, but I LOVE it! It will join my collection of blue and white porcelain pieces like vases, ginger jars, cache pots and tea pots.
It's the perfect addition to any set of white dishes, or as a stand alone butter dish for everyday use. It's been a long time since I've shared my new Etsy shop listings -- but you can now find this French pineapple quilted butter dish for sale in my Etsy shop, Vintage Farmhouse Love.
Here I'm using it as a lovely soap dish. It can also be used as a candy dish, nut dish, office supply dish (paper clips, thumb tacks) or any other type of "dish" that your little heart desires. It's now for sale in my Etsy shop, Vintage Farmhouse Love. You'll find it along with many other vintage finds -- the inventory changes periodically, so stop back from time to time and see what's new there!
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Kathleen,that snugf bottle is everything! Wow, awesome Goodwill find. I knew what it was as soon as I viewed the photo. One of my Panoply sisters collects them. I found a cool pair at a recent estate sale, but certainly not at that price! The spoon is broken in mine also, but who cares, right?
Good morning Kathleen. What a cool find. Love that it is in your blue and white that you love. Happy New Week. Hugs. Kris
Your link to your Etsy store brings us right back to your blog. Thought you would like to know.
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