Spring Cloche with DIY Aged Clay Pots

March 15, 2025

Cloches make for a great decorating tool -- you can place them in any room in your home and fill them with just about anything. I've been using them for years, to decorate for all seasons and for all occasions. For my latest spring cloche I've created my all time favorite -- filled with DIY'd aged mini terra cotta pots. 


spring cloche with DIY aged pots and carrot basket

I've been wanting to do this for a long time after seeing versions of it online and in magazines for years. So here's my take on a spring cloche filled with DIY aged mini terra cotta pots -- super easy and perfect for spring!

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how to age terra cotta clay pots

In the past I've been known to use gesso to artificially age terra cotta pots. While I love that method for outside pots, I wanted to use another method for my indoor DIY aged clay pots. 

Can you guess what my secret "aging" ingredient is? Read on to find out!

three mini clay pots in shrink wrap

I started with two 3-packs of mini (2.5") terra cotta pots. While I purchased mine at Dollar Tree a few years ago in the spring (I could not find them this year even though all the gardening merchandise appears to be on display already), if you can't find them there you can always get some mini clay pots on Amazon.



acrylic paint, home decor wax and cinnamon on table

1. mini clay pots

2. white paint

3. clear wax

4. Dixie Belle Dirt

5. ground cinnamon

6. paint brushes

7. moss balls (optional)




mini clay pot painted white

1. Paint the pots with one coat of white paint. Allow paint to dry.

2. Apply a thin coat of clear wax with a paint brush. Don't be shy -- clay is a thirsty receptacle and the wax will be quickly absorbed. Wait just a few minutes to allow the wax to get tacky.

3. Once the wax is no longer wet, use a pouncer brush to apply some Dixie Dirt in a haphazard manner all around the clay pot.  

4. Allow the Dixie Dirt around 10 minutes to set, then, again using a paint brush, tap some cinnamon (secret ingredient) onto the pot to add a bit of brown "aged" color.  

NOTE: Cinnamon is also used in DIY projects to make things look rusty. Haven't tried it yet but will share when I do!  

large cloche filled with aged clay pots and moss balls

It's always a nice touch to elevate whatever you put inside the cloche if possible. My marble and wood base cake riser always works well for that. I also added a small riser inside the cloche as well for the pots. But you can just as easily use books or anything else that strikes your fancy to create a raised display within your cloche.

spring cloche on coffee table with clay pots and birds nest

I tried to stack the pots so that the display would look less stuffy and more on the casual side. I also added moss balls inside some of the pots as well as a spring bird's nest to add some visual interest.

aged pots moss balls nest birds eggs

You can see one of my favorite Easter pillows in the background -- an embroidered Easter bunny pillow. I got it at Wal-Mart this year. It's exactly the same as the one I bought from there last year, only the embroidery thread colors are a bit different. I love it!  

basket filled with plush carrots and spring cloche on coffee table


Ritter It's in the Bag rattan basket purse filled with plush carrots

My thrifted Ritter "It's in the Bag" vintage rattan basket purse filled with plush carrots from Dollar Tree (what a find this year, and they're huge!) add a nice pop of color to the coffee table. I don't decorate BIG for Easter anymore, but I do like to add subtle nods to the holiday specifically as well as to spring in general.


Well that's it for today, friends!

I hope you've enjoyed reading about my

Spring Cloche with DIY Aged Clay Pots 

and that I've inspired you in some way. 

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 spring cloche with DIY aged pots and carrot basket

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